Romantic Princess

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Romantic Princess

Adopted by middle classed parents, Xiao Mai has always had a dream to be an heiress. Who knew that one day this dream would come true. Xiao Mai's biological grandfather is the head of a prestigous aristocratic family and after many years of searching, he finally finds his long lost granddaughter. As she starts her life as an heiress, everyday is filled with excitement, however, everything seems a bit different from what she had imagined them to be.

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十八歲的大一女學生麥秋穗(小麥),就跟一般平凡少女一樣,從小就在一個氣氛和樂的溫暖家庭中長大,雖然家境並不是太富裕,住的也只是破舊的小公寓,但是小麥卻覺得很幸福。 然而,沒想到就在她要升上大一的暑假,發生了足以改變她一生的大事,竟然有一大票神秘的黑衣人出現在她家的小公寓中,宣稱她真正的身份是國內首富皇甫集團董事長皇甫雄失蹤多年的孫女,而麥父和麥母也承認小麥並非他們的親生女兒,而是他們花錢向人口販子買來的棄嬰,這讓小麥的際遇從人間升上了天堂。 但是就在小麥還在適應時,祖父皇甫雄就展現了他平時的強勢作風,小麥因此被迫搬出麥家,住進皇甫大宅;然而,富家千金的生活卻不如想像中美好,雖然零用金動不動就是上百萬,但是自己卻被迫跟生活了十八年,原以為是自己親生父母的麥父和麥母分開。小麥住進皇甫大宅的第一天就因為被認定是居心叵測的拜金女,而和皇甫家公認最有可能接位的大少爺南風瑾結下樑子,兩人不時針鋒相對,水火不容。 小麥原想找麥父和麥母聊天,卻發現他們因皇甫雄的要求,以ㄧ棟房子來換取不能和小麥見面的條件,這點讓小麥很抓狂、、、


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Details Of TV
Language Mandarin
Release 2007-09-16