About Us

AmberMovie is a service website that aggregates movie and TV show resources on the Internet and helps users find the corresponding streaming media service provider. By using our website, users can choose movies or TV shows that they are interested in, or according to our recommendation list generated based on movie popularity, trends, actors, directors and other factors, to choose and know the information of each movie, and find streaming media service providers, such as Amazon Prime Video and HBO, CBS All Access, CINEMAX, SHOWTIME, STARZ of Amazon Channels.

AmberMovie has tens of thousands of movies and TV series in our database, users can always find their favorite genre.

Please note that AmberMovie respects all copyrights and does not directly provide streaming services and downloads of any movies or TV series. If you want to watch free movies, users need to subscribe to the free trial of streaming media service providers, or make purchases and rentals.