War Against Humanity

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War Against Humanity

When the Second World War breaks out, it is at first largely a war between one side of totalitarian aggressors against a portion of the democratic countries of the world defending other totalitarian states. From the first day of the war in Poland, as it already is in China, this will be a war against humanity.

Seasons & Episodes
Outbreak of the War Against Humanity - 5 March 1940

When the Second World War breaks out, it is at first largely a war between one side of totalitarian aggressors against a portion of the democratic countries of the world defending other totalitarian states. From the first day of the war in Poland, as it already is in China, this will be a war against humanity.

System of a Nazi Terror - April 1940

In April 1940 in Poland, if you are on the list of Nazi or Soviet non-desirables, there are three options: run for your life, be shipped off to a camp, or face the execution squad... if you happen to be Jewish it's likely to be the fourth option: the Ghetto.

The Strategy of Terror Bombing - May 1940

When WW2 breaks out, the belligerents promise to not bomb civilians. The promise is broken, literally within minutes by the Nazis and within weeks by the Soviets. Now, nine months later the Allies are about to follow suite.

The European Migration Crisis - June 1940

When the Nazi German Reich invades western and northern Europe this creates a massive refugee and forced migration crisis all across Europe. In eastern Europe, The Nazis and the Soviets have already been forcing families out of their homes to be relocated, incarcerated and murdered for nine months by now.

The British Blitz Spirit is a Myth

Strategic bombing was used to destroy the popular support for their governments war effort, and the British boosted that their resistance to bombing was an unique trait. But both are false, based on lies and propaganda.

The Few Who Opposed Hitler - German Resistance in 1940

Were all German faithful Nazis? Not by a stretch, but a resounding majority approved of the Nazis, especially before the war, and again after the victory in France. Anyone that actively opposed Hitler and his gang were not only risking their life, but faced an uphill battle against public opinion. And yet... some people did.

Vive la Résistance! well, not really... - French Resistance 1940

Immediately after France is occupied by the Nazis in 1940, the French are divided about what to do; resist or collaborate? To put it mildly, it's complicated.

Royal Resistance in Benelux and Scandinavia 1940

When the Racism of Naziism hits the Nationalism of Monarchism, it doesn't quite go like Hitler would have imagined.

Resistance in China - Myth or Reality?

The war in China already started in 1931 when Japan invaded Manchuria. Early resistance was small and was met by heavy Japanese retaliations. But throughout the 30's, the movement started to grow.

Poland Will Not Bow to Nazis & Stalinists

Poland faces two brutal occupiers led by Hitler and Stalin, hellbent on wiping Poland off the map. But the Poles have been preparing to stand up and resist since before the war - and now they do.

Sending the Jews to Madagascar? - July 1940 - April 1941

The War Against Humanity is accelerating and accelerating. Across the world, people live under oppression. In Nazi Europe, solutions to the so-called "Jewish Question" has taken on new, fantastical, proportions.

The Wehrmacht's License to Kill the Innocent - May 1941

As the Britain Blitz slows down considerably, violence in Croatia increases dramatically as the Ustaše government purges the country of Jews and Serbs and the Wehrmacht gets deadly instructions for their Invasion of the Soviet Union.

The Holocaust Begins in Lithuania - June 1941

The German Fallschirmjäger target the Cretan civilian population as they take the Island with big losses. But the War Against Humanity intensifies dramatically as Operation Barbarossa is launched on 22nd June, 1941.

Barbarossa, Hitler's and Stalin's Hell on Earth - July 1941, Pt. 1

When the German armed forces invade the USSR, they come with an order to exterminate from Hitler. Now the defending Soviet armed forces receive similar orders from Stalin. The bloodshed that follows defies human imagination.

Generalplan Ost, the Nazi plan to kill the Slavs - July 1941, Pt. 2

In China, and the Soviet Union, all sides are causing widespread death to the local civilians. The defending forces are scorching the earth and plundering their own civilians, the attacking armed forces of Japan and Germany are executing planned genocide and mass destruction.

Extermination Now! - August 1941, Pt. 1

Not all plans for Operation Barbarossa are as successful as hoped. In August 1941, Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler push forward their plans to wage war on all Jews, unleashing the Einzatsgruppen and the SS Cavalry Brigade of Hermann Fegelein on the Jewish people of Eastern Europe.

The SS and Wehrmacht Murder Inc. - August 1941, Pt. 2

Fegelein's and Himmler's actions to 'comb' the Pripet Marshes for Jews continues. The largest mass-murder yet is committed in Kamianets-Podilskyi, while new methods to commit genocide on an industrial scale are being devised.

Resistance is Futile in Nazi Europe - September 1941, Pt. 1

In the first half of September, Nazi murder campaigns in Vilnius and the Pripet Marshes continue. In the rest of Europe, the Germans tighten their grip on the occupied countries, taking away media privileges and further restricting the freedoms of Jewish populations.

The Rape of Humanity at Babi Yar - September 1941, Pt. 2

Killing Jews by the thousands becomes the main way of eradicating the Jews in Eastern Europe in August and September 1941. The Mass Murder at Babi Yar in Kiev is yet another escalation in that process.

The Wehrmacht is Not Clean! - October 1941, Pt. 1

The Wehrmacht is deeply involved with the Nazis' War Against Humanity. They are complicit in the murder of thousands of Jews in the 'Holocaust of Bullets', and the severe treatment of Soviet Prisoners of War. In October 1941, Wehrmacht General Walther von Reichenau issues the 'Severity Order', taking away any ambiguity there may be as to the Wehrmacht's vision.

The Banality of Death - October 1941, Pt. 2

French resistance members liquidate a high-ranking German officer, triggering a series of retaliatory actions by the German occupiers. Meanwhile, actions in the 'Holocaust of Bullets' continue in the east as German forces move further into the USSR, taking Odessa.

How To Kill 15,000 People in One Day - November 1941, Pt. 1

As German troops pull into eastern Ukraine, locals fight back in any way they can. Some of them have been the target of Soviet brutalisation for decades. For many who are deemed 'enemy of the Third Reich', the first two weeks of November 1941 are their last, as the 'Holocaust of Bullets' continues.

Japanese Plague Bombs - November 1941, Pt. 2

Japanse deploys Biological Weapons in China, leading to un unspecified number of deaths. Meanwhile, European Jews from Germany and their occupied territories are deported to Eastern Europe, where Jews are already being killed by the thousands.

Pearl Harbor and the Global War Against Humanity - December 1941, Pt. 1

December 1941 marks the shift to a new chapter in the War Against Humanity. New fronts open up, exposing millions more to the horrors of war. Other developments continue their path of continuous escalation.

Christmas with Adolf Hitler - December 1941, Pt. 2

Christmas 1941. A holiday season in a year of darkness and suffering, where Hitler celebrates his own greatness as the world goes up in flames.

Germany Bankrupts Greece - Countless Die in Famine – January 1942, Pt. 1

The early weeks of 1942 show how much of a global War Against Humanity this really is. People in occupied zones across the globe suffer under the boot of their tormentors. In Greece, thousands die in a famine, while repressive tactics claim the lives of many more in the Balkans. The Holocaust continues in cities and the extermination camp of Chełmno, while the Japanese army wreaks havoc in South-East Asia as they advance on Allied positions.

January 1942, Pt. 2 - Did 90 Minutes Decide the Fate of the Jews? - The Wannsee Conference

To most, the Wannsee Conference is synonymous with the moment the Holocaust started. In fact, the meeting is mainly designed to formalise policy, and to involve political and governmental organisations in the crime.

February 1942, Pt. 1 - Britain Chooses War Crimes - RAF Strategic Bombing

As the winter of 1942 continues, many Soviet civilians suffer under the German Siege of Leningrad. Meanwhile, the British are shifting their bombing strategy from targeting factories to targeting homes.

February 1942, Pt. 2 - U.S. Detention, Nazi Deportation, and Death in the East

Franklin D. Roosevelt signs an order to intern all Japanese-American citizens on the West Coast of the United States, while the Italians open up new concentration camps to deal with their ethnic enemies in the Balkans. At the same time, a large group of Jews attempts to escape Europe by boat, with disastrous consequences.

March 1942, Pt. 1 - Extermination Begins at Auschwitz

The crackdown on 'undesired' ethnic populations in the Balkans continues as Mario Roatta issues 'Circular 3C'. The Germans kill 5000 German Jews in the 'Dünamünde Action', and the Japanese purge the Chinese communities of Singapore in the 'Sook Ching' massacre. Additionally, the new camp of Auschwitz Birkenau opens its doors in Poland.

Fifty Families Murdered Every Hour - March 1942, Pt. 2

A report on the effect of strategic bombing called the 'Dehousing Paper' is spread to justify the targeting of the civilian population of Germany. In Poland, one by one, extermination camps are starting construction. This month, a new one is finished, named Belzec. Here, Jews and other minority undesirables from Poland are gassed.

The Bataan Death March Begins - April 1942, Pt. 1

Malta and British cities are victim to German bombs, while the Japanese advance in Burma causes a refugee crisis. In the Philippines, 80,000 Allied POWs walk the Bataan Death March.

The Horrors of Partisan Warfare - April 1942, Pt. 2

April 1942 sees bombing campaigns in Germany and Britain, as well as German anti-partisan actions in the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

100,000 Dead British Subjects in Burma - May 1942, Pt. 1

A large number of European and asian inhabitants of South-East Asia are locked up in Japanese prison camps, while in Burma, a big refugee crisis claims the lives of thousands. In Auschwitz-Birkenau and Sobibor, gassing Jews on an immense scale begins.

The Plot to Kill Hitler's Hangman - Operation Anthropoid - May 1942, Pt. 2

Arthur Harris and his RAF Bombers carry out a massive bombing raid on Cologne. Meanwhile, one of the architects of the Holocaust, Reinhard Heydrich is the target of a spectacular assassination attempt.

Heydrich, Architect of the Holocaust, Dies - June 1942, Pt. 1

Reinhard Heydrich is fighting for his life, as the hunt of his assassins continues. Meanwhile, news of the nazi atrocities starts to reach the Allied countries.

Japan's Institutionalization of Rape - June 1942, Pt. 2

During the occupation of South-East Asia, Japan builds a large system of institutionalised rape to 'keep their soldiers happy'. Meanwhile, Allied refugees from Burma find a safe haven in India, but for some, hardship continues.

Forced Sterilization Experiments Begin at Auschwitz - July 1942, Pt. 1

Operation Millennium is discontinued, while in Poland the Auschwitz Birkenau camp starts to systematically gas thousands of people a week. Some who aren't murdered on arrival are subjected to horrific medical and sterilization experiments.

The 100 Deadliest Days of the Holocaust Begin... - July 1942, Pt. 2

The extermination camps of Operation Reinhard are ready to start killing hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of the Warsaw Ghetto, starting the deadliest 100 days of the Holocaust.

The Symphony That Defeated the Wehrmacht - August 1942, Pt .1

The Big Action at the Warsaw Ghetto continues, while The Japanese carry out retaliations against the Chinese for aiding American airmen. Dmitri Shostakovich's 'Symphony no. 7' premieres in the besieged city of Leningrad.

Hitler Calls for Counter-Insurgency - Who Will Resist? - August 1942, Pt. 2

Citizens in Stalingrad face German bombs as Soviet officials refuse to evacuate. The German counter-insurgency effort increases, but people continue to resist against all odds. The Treblinka camp breaks down under the ambitions of its commandant, Irmfried Eberl.

Kill The Nazis - September 1942, Pt. 1

The Nazi German occupiers have kept increasing their pressure in occupied territory, and fooled their victims to still have hope, but at some point when the oppression gets unbearable, or all hope is lost, people will resist.

British Arrest Gandhi - India Erupts - September 1942, Pt. 2

People in India are increasingly fed up with their British rulers and calls for independence grow. Resistance against the Nazis is also growing in Eastern Europe, which causes ruthless retaliations against the civilian population.


Resistance against occupation starts rising in the Autumn of 1942. It faces opposition not only from the occupiers, but also from collaborators killing their own countrymen.

A United Front Against Nazi Atrocities - October 1942, Pt. 2

As the war intensifies on all fronts, the occupied world is aflame with resistance and reprisals. From Paris to Papua New Guinea, Humanity is under attack - but it is also fighting back.

Fighting Nazis with Radios and Funerals - November 1942, Pt. 1

As the Winter of 1942/43 is beginning, the German Nazis are under more and more pressure, both on the frontlines and in the occupation zones.

The Germans Learn to Love Their Slaves - November 1942, Pt. 2

In November 1942 the resistance fight in many parts of Europe becomes a part pf the regular military war. In Germany the Germans discover humanity while the German mass murders see no end.

Death Squads Arrive in North Africa - December 1942, Pt. 1

Despite Allied occupation, the situation of the Jews in North Africa hardly improves, in newly German-occupied Tunisia it deteriorates. Meanwhile, the world learns more of the details of the Holocaust - they cannot believe their ears.

Let the Hunger Games Begin - December 1942, Pt. 2

The world learns more details of the War Against Humanity in Occupied Poland, while in China and India starvation looms.

The Revenge Bombing of Germany - January 1943, Pt. 1

While Nazi Germany keep on escalating its War Against Humanity, the United Nations Alliance decides that they will escalate their war on Germany.

The Warsaw Ghetto: The Jews Strike Back - January 1943, Pt. 2

In early 1943 Nazi German propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels is preparing to rally the German people behind an unrestrained war - or “total war” as he puts it. It’s unclear what that means, Nazi Germany is long waging an unrestrained war, and it seems that the United Nations Alliance is now ready to do the same on Germany.

Eat the Nazis, There’s Nothing Else - February 1943, Pt. 1

As the United Nations Alliance, and the Resistance in occupied Europe increase their pressure on Nazi Germany, they continue to escalate their war on humanity. Meanwhile, in more and more parts of the world there is little to eat.

Total War NOW - February 1943, Pt. 2

Germany declares total (unconditional war) putting its economy on a full war footing over three years into the war. Given the unconditional war they are already waging, and the resistance and opposition they now face, it’s unclear what it shall mean.

Schindler's First Rescue Mission - March 1943, Pt. 1

In the weeks after Goebbels' Sportpalast speech, we realize that Total War might mean an apocalyptic end for Germany, with Hitler's blessing. No wonder that some Germans are looking to end Hitler before he ends them, and what a blessing that at least one Nazi with influence on the fate of thousands of Jews turns out to have a heart and soul.

Denazify the World. Resist Now. - March 1943, Pt. 2

The Nazis and the Soviets discover each other's atrocities, while resistance is on the rise, and a half dormant conspiracy against Hitler comes back to life to take his life.

The West Sacrifices Poland to the Soviets - April 1943, Pt. 1

There are cracks in the alliances on both sides. Hitler’s allies are refusing to do his every bidding, and the revelations about the Soviet massacre of Poles in Katyn has set a wedge between Poland and the USSR.

The Jews Fight Back - April 24, 1943

The war against Naziism is escalating on all fronts - in the War Against Humanity the main battleground is now the Warsaw Ghetto.

The Neurology of Hate

In this special episode of War Against Humanity, we take a look at the underlying neurological functions that allow us to hate another group of people. Maybe it helps us to understand the ultimate question about WW2; how on earth could all of this happen?


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Language English
Release 2019-03-06