Transformers: Victory

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Transformers: Victory

Transformers: Victory is an anime series produced by Toei Animation. It is a Japanese-produced spin-off of the well-known original Transformers cartoon, and the final complete animated series from the original "Generation 1" era.

Seasons & Episodes

The year is 2025 AD. Since escaping from Earth, the Destrons have continued their invasion of planets all over the universe in search of a new base. To defend against them, the Cybertrons have joined forces with the people of Earth, forming the Space Defense Force, led by their mightiest warrior, Star Saber. One day, Wingwaver reports to Star Saber that the Destron Dinoforce have attacked the Moon, heading toward Earth. The Brainmasters -- Blacker, Laster and Braver -- move to investigate reports of Destron activity and face off against the Dinoforce on the Moon. Star Saber heads toward the Moon as well, then encounters a strange energy in space which turns out to be the Destron commander, Deszaras. The other Multiforce members -- Dashtacker and Machtackle -- arrive to remove the people from the Moon station as Star Saber defeats the Dinoforce before he and Deszaras do battle on the Moon.

Deszaras orders his second-in-command, Leozak, to strike down anyone who tries to interfere with the Destrons' plans to steal Earth's energy. Leozak then orders the Dinoforce leader, Goryu, to take the others and destroy Galaxy Shuttle at the Cybertron base. Goryu comically rouses the other Dinoforce members and they head toward Earth, encountering Wingwaver, who is on patrol, on the way. The Brainmasters then head out to aid Wingwaver in his battle against the Dinoforce and begin to overwhelm their opponents. As a result, the Dinoforce merge into the giant Dinoking (recolored Monstructor). The Pretender shells of the Dinoforce has invaded the Cybertron's base as Dinoking thrashes the Brainmasters, forcing Star Saber to head into space to save his men. Star Saber drives off Dinoking as Galaxy Shuttle sends the Pretender dinosaurs flying.

The Destrons have set up their base underwater inside their spaceship, Thunder Arrow. Meanwhile, Jan, who has had some painful adventures while playing with the Cybertron, begins school on Earth with children his own age with much fanfare from Star Saber and Holi. They go into a flashback about how Jan was the sole survivor of a research ship attacked and destroyed by the Dinoforce. Leozak and the other Dinoforce, in an attempt to corner Star Saber, end up somehow at Jan's new school. The other Brainmasters arrive and the Dinoforce merge into Dinoking. In response though, the three Brainmasters merge themselves into Roadcaesar and manage to defeat Dinoking while Star Saber sends Leozak running. Jan earns the other children's respect and friendship for his heroism in the fight.

The latest Breastforce warriors -- Jargua, Drillhorn and Killbison -- along with Leozak and the Dinoforce make plans to attack an energy complex. Meanwhile, Jan gets a physics lesson from the Multiforce about fulcrums. Suddenly, at the plant, the Destrons strike from the air and the sea with the Dinoforce while the Breastforce members hide in the sand in ambush. The Multiforce spot the destruction from afar and battle the Dinoforce on even terms until they form Dinoking. Jan informs the other Cybertrons that there's danger and Star Saber and the Brainmasters head out to investigate. Just as things look bad, the Multiforce merge to form Landcross to do battle with Dinoking. Star Saber shows up to help Landcross take on Dinoking while the Brainmasters battle Killbison and Jargua, driving away the Destrons.

The rest of the Micromaster Rescue Squad members -- Fire, Pibo and Boater -- arrive at Countdown to begin their first assignment on Earth. Meanwhile, Leozak sends the Dinoforce members toward a specially-built floating sea platform where Jan's female friend is. Star Saber hears of the attack and goes along with the Brainmasters and the Rescue Squad to save the humans there. While the Brainmasters lead the dinosaurs away from the people and the Rescue Force start evacuating the survivors, Star Saber does battle with Leozak. He manages to defeat the Destron second-in-command, then watches Roadcaesar defeat Dinoking.

In the wilderness of Africa, the Destrons ponder their next move -- finding the beta-uranium that is currently being mined and using it to increase their fighting strength. Leozak, Drillhorn, Killbison and Jargua lead the attack against the mining operation with the Dinoforce not far behind. They take the miners as hostages but not before one of them transmits an S.O.S. to the Cybertrons. Laster, Blacker and Wingwaver use a drilling gun to bore their way toward the suffocating hostages, but cannot seem to blast their way through a large slab of rock. The two remaining humans helps the Cybertrons blast through the rock. The Dinoforce then merge into Dinoking and attack Star Saber, who has arrived with reinforcements, but is then soundly defeated.

In the middle of the jungle, the Destrons are rapidly gathering and storing energy in the hopes of recharging their space platform. The Cybertrons discover what the Destrons are up to and send out the team of Braver and the Multiforce to stop them. There is increasing tension between Blacker and Wingwaver. Dinoforce member Yokuryu tries to blast the Cybertrons into the open from the air as the other Dinoforce spread out throughout the jungle. Dash and Tacker accidentally fall into some quicksand but are rescued by Blacker. Attempts to contact Star Saber by radio fail due to interference, so Blacker tries to distract the Dinos so that the Multiforce can flee. Just as Blacker gets triple-teamed by the Dinos, Wingwaver shows up and helps him escape. Star Saber shows up and defeats Leozak, sending the Destrons retreating.

The Destrons are attracted to a city's three-layer transportation system, using Drillhorn to dig deep underground to tap into the city's electrical systems. As the Breastforce members roam around under the city, the Cybertrons pick up a distress signal and mobilize to investigate. Star Saber, the Brainmasters and the Rescue Force head into the underground to stop the Destrons, but they each encounter danger -- Star Saber meeting Deszaras, the Brainmasters meeting the Breastforce and the Rescue Force trying to free the people. Star Saber manages to defeat Deszaras and his two animal partners, forcing him to retreat with only a little amount of energy but a lot of destruction.

This is the first of many clip shows for Victory, which, unlike the vast majority of those created for all previous seasons, actually aired on television. This one consists entirely of clips from "The Brave Hero of the Universe - Star Saber", "Sneak Attack! Dinoking", "Attack! Leozack", "Unite!! Multiforce", "Move Out! Rescue Team", "Explosion!! The Energy Base" and "Big City - Underground Terror", complete with new omniscient narration. As you might have assumed from that list of titles, this isn't any kind of "themed" clip show (as several of the others are), but simply a truncated retelling of the events of the series up to this point. Why they decided not to include "Infiltration... The Uranium Mine" is anyone's guess.

Aboard the Thunder Arrow somewhere in the depths of the ocean, Deathsaurus listens as Leozack lists off the latest in a litany of excuses for his repeated failures. A roar from Deathsaurus's Tigerbreast prompts Leozack to cut to the chase and explain that he has just put a new information-gathering plan into motion. The target of this plan is the New Energy Resource Research and Development Laboratory in Japan, where new minerals from across the galaxy are studied to discern their energy potential, but intrusion into their computer system is immediately detected by one alert scientist. The scientist heads down to the lab's computer centre, where he spots a sinister shadow interfering with the computer core. When he demands the person show themselves, however, the scientist is shocked when a giant robotic bat reveals itself and smashes through the wall to the outside. Peering out the hole left by the creature, the scientist watches as it attaches itself to the chest of a waiting Decepticon, who introduces himself as the fifth member of the Breastforce—Hellbat! The scientist sounds the alarm and Autobot and human troops come running, but in the course of the fight, stray shots from the Autobot troopers ignite fuel tanks on the laboratory complex. As the area begins going up in flames, Hellbat eschews any further physical combat in exchange for a swift getaway, and, with an eerie chant, unleashes a hypnotic sonic wave that makes his opponents fall unconscious.

Hidden from sight within a mountain range, the Decepticons have set down in the Thunder Arrow. In the throne room, the newly-arrived Hellbat introduces himself to Deathsaurus and offers the emperor a "gift"—information he has gathered on a energy shipment that the Decepticons will easily be able to steal. Deathsaurus sends Kakuryū to fetch Leozack, who is busy training with the other Breastforce members outside and debating with them why he summoned the back-stabbing Hellbat to Earth in the first place. Summoned before Deathsaurus, Leozack is instructed by his emperor to attack the Nevada spaceport. Leozack protests that two previous attacks on the facility have turned up nothing, but Deathsaurus insists, and Leozack is quick to realize that Hellbat has been sneaking around behind his back again. Infuriated at being made to look a fool, Leozack departs for the spaceport, but Hellbat follows him, defending his decision to keep the information from Leozack and winning his commander around with smarmy words.

Somewhere in the depths of the ocean, Deathsaurus "reminds" his troops aboard the Thunder Arrow of the large amount of energy they need to gather in other to free his fortress from the Dark Nebula... by blasting them with a burst of flame. Only Drillhorn stands unmoving as the other Decepticons scatter, petitioning his emperor for calmness so that he can outline his plan to steal a tanker. Deathsaurus approves the plan, but Leozack is not happy that his subordinate has superseded his authority.

This is one of the many clip shows that are part of Victory, which, unlike the vast majority of those created for other series, actually aired on television. This Breastforce-themed edition (aired only four bloody episodes after the last clip show) features clips from "Unite!! Multiforce", "Infiltration... The Uranium Mine", "Explosion!! The Energy Base", "Big City - Underground Terror", "The New Warrior - Hellbat", "Attack the Shuttle Base!!" and "Tanker Hijack Operation"

The Decepticons attack a fleet of tankers on the open ocean, destroying their gunship escorts, but Leozack is furious that Hellbat has not turned up for the mission, as he is the only one who knows which tanker contains the energy they are after. News of the attack quickly reaches the Autobots, and Star Saber takes off to help, accompanied by Galaxy Shuttle, carrying the Brainmasters. The whole thing is missed by Jean and Holi, who arrive just as the heroes are leaving, with Jean planning to use the Shuttle Base's computers to do his summer vacation homework quickly, for which Holi chastises him. Their arrival, however, is observed by Hellbat...

Somewhere in southern Canada, in the middle of a massive cornfield, a farmer named Old Tom is about to take some extreme measures to get rid of a prairie dog that's been digging up his land. Before he can push the plunger that will detonate the dynamite he's laid in the field, however, the ground beneath his feet quakes, and he runs for his life as the field collapses into a massive crater.

While passing through the asteroid belt on its way to Jupiter, the human-piloted Spaceship 301 suddenly finds itself surrounded by a cloud of clinging, purple fog. The crew broadcast an SOS to Earth, but communication is suddenly cut off, and all trace of the ship vanishes.

The homeworld of the Micromasters, planet Micro, has come under attack from Decepticons. Despite the fact that the planet is in the sector protected by his arm of the Galactic Defense Force, God Ginrai and his forces are occupied battling Overlord's army in G Nebula 89, necessitating the assistance of Star Saber, who quickly heads for Micro. Accompanying him aboard Galaxy Shuttle are the Rescue Team, who are thrilled to be returning home, and Jean, who nearly chokes on a soda when the Rescues inform him that the reason Holi is being so serious is because he's worried about his girlfriend down on Micro. As Star Saber and Galaxy Shuttle enter the planet's atmosphere, their arrival is observed by a mysterious figure…

After Hellbat's recent attack on planet Micro, Star Saber checks in with Blacker for an update on Decepticon activity on Earth. Blacker reports that although there has been a random, unfocused attack by the Dinoforce, there have been no sightings of the other Breastforce members. This, we soon learn, is because the Breastforce are all also on Micro, stewing aboard the Thunder Arrow and grumbling about Hellbat's self-serving scheming. Although Drillhorn, Jarugar and Killbison are all in favour of disposing of Hellbat, Leozack silences them with the reminder that they are about to get a new comrade, which will enable them to better keep an eye on the sneak. Hellbat chooses this moment to return to the Thunder Arrow, and is promptly accosted by his teammates and grilled over his recent operation with Blue Bacchus and Black Shadow. Luckily for him, he is able to weasel out of trouble by appealing to Leozack's sense of treachery and claiming that he was attempting to acquire a personal supply of energy for the Breastforce that would enable Leozack to attain his dream of one day overthrowing Deathsaurus. With that matter dealt with, he announces the Breastforce's latest plan—an attack on planet Micro's maximum security lunar prison, to free their old comrade, Gaihawk.

Aboard the Thunder Arrow on planet Micro, the freshly-liberated Gaihawk is properly reunited with his Breastforce comrades, with the exception of Hellbat, who Leozack has had step outside. Hellbat's paranoia immediately gets the better of him and he listens in on the conversation, discovering that Leozack has summoned an old subordinate, Deathcobra, to take Hellbat's place on the team.

This is one of the many clip shows that are part of Victory, which, unlike the vast majority of those created for other series, actually aired on television. This particular recap opens by briefly introducing the main cast of the series, then transitions into a combiner team showcase, but despite the variety of characters covered, the episode features clips from a surprisingly small list of sources: "The Brave Hero of the Universe - Star Saber", "Unite!! Multiforce", "Move Out! Rescue Team", "Big City - Underground Terror", and "Unite! Liokaiser".

The work on planet Micro done, the Autobots head back to Earth. The Rescue Team bid their homeworld a tearful farewell, while Jean teases Holi about being parted from his girlfriend. The other Rescues get in on the yuks... until they realize that they don't even have girlfriends, and start crying even harder.

Braver brings Jean and Holi to the Schaeffer Energy plant in America, where they get to watch as a spaceship arrives with a payload of Martian ore, which is then used to create the powerful Schaeffer Energy. Braver excuses himself to attend a conference, so Jean and Holi watch spaceships taking off, wondering where they might be going. When Holi suggests a ship might be on the way to planet Micro, Jean is reminded of their recent trip there, and Star Saber's defeat at the hands of Liokaiser.

Somewhere in the frozen wastes of Antarctica, electricity crackles in the night, and with sudden, frightening speed, glaciers begin to melt, pouring into the ocean. A United Nations monitoring station nearby attempts to catalog the seismic disturbances, but when the most powerful tremor yet hits, the station is devastated by an avalanche.

Deciding to visit the Autobots on Earth, the weary Greatshot arrives on the planet and spends the night sleeping in a seaside cave. Awakening the next morning, he looks out over the ocean... only to have the Thunder Arrow suddenly burst out of the water!

At the Autobots' Shuttle Base, the Rescue Patrol Team performs the latest check-up on Blacker, who is still recovering from the injuries he sustained in his last battle. Blacker is more concerned with his own failure than with getting better, which doesn't surprise Star Saber, who tells him to concentrate on resting. As they talk, Laster radios through with a communiqué from God Ginrai, who wants to offer his sympathies to Blacker. The Autobots' reduction in fighting power is ruefully discussed, and Ginrai offers his services if they need him.

With Star Saber and Blacker injured and God Ginrai fatally wounded, the Decepticons exploit the Autobots' loss of manpower by successfully ransacking a solar power station, and attacking the New Cheyenne Airport fuel depot in North America. While the Multiforce and Rescue Team head to the airport, the injured Star Saber is forced to enter the battle at the solar base with Laster and Braver, despite being barely able to stand. After Star Saber departs, the recuperating Blacker decides to go into action alongside the Multiforce and Rescues.

With the Shuttle Base berthed on a small Hawaiian island, Perceptor and Wheeljack begin the process to reconstruct God Ginrai according to the design specifications created by Star Saber. A tense atmosphere fills the base, with Jean hit the hardest. The Multiforce soon find something to take their minds off the situation, however, when they discover Hellbat's Breast Animal spying on the base. Machtackle and Dashtacker fall victim to the Breastforcer's hypnotic waves, but Wingwaver avoids them and engages the villain in an aerial battle above the ocean. Hellbat escapes by diving beneath the waves and quickly makes his way back to the submerged Thunder Arrow, where he reports to Deathsaurus on the apparent death of Ginrai. Additionally, Hellbat has discovered a large stockpile of energy in western America, which the Decepticons quickly mobilize to attack while the Autobots are low on manpower.

This episode is the fourth of Victory's many clip shows, but unlike the preceding three, this one did not air on television, for unknown reasons. Beginning a trend for future clip shows, this one serves as nothing more than a recap of the episodes that have aired since the last clip show, featuring footage from "Resurrection!? The Decepticon Fortress", "Battle Up of Wrath!!", "Fight to the Death!! Antarctic Battle", "Crisis! Ambush in the Desert", "A Deadly Battle", "Ginrai Dies!!" and "Fight!! Victory Leo".

With word coming in of Decepticon attacks in the Orient, the Autobots move the Shuttle Base to Japan. As Galaxy Shuttle departs on patrol, the watching Jean, Holi, Wingwaver and Dashtacker are distracted by the roars and shouts of Victory Leo, who is crashing and blasting his way through a nearby rocky outcrop. Wingwaver tells him that training is one thing, but to be careful not to destroy the base... only to be immediately silenced by the icy glare the feral Autobot shoots him. Dashtacker sighs that he can't think of Victory Leo as God Ginrai reborn, and Jean grows depressed again as he is reminded of this fact. The two Multiforcers head inside to rejoin Machtackle, who has just intercepted a coded Decepticon message. Decrypting the communiqué, they deduce that the Decepticons are targeting the geothermal power plant on Mount Asama and inform Star Saber that they are going to head out. The Supreme Commander (currently undergoing a mysterious procedure at the hands of Wheeljack, Perceptor and Minerva) orders them to stay, and instead dispatches Victory Leo, Holi and Jean, much to the Multiforce's chagrin.

Deathsaurus issues his latest threat to the Autobots via video-tape, bragging that he has developed a super smart-missile that can strike anywhere in the world. The deadly projectiles are launched from an orbiting satellite and fire automatically, meaning that even Star Saber will be unable to reach the satellite in time to stop their launch. Deathsaurus quickly demonstrates by targeting Sambalpur, India, and despite the speed with which Star Saber issues emergency orders, the Multiforce and Rescue Team arrive at the location only seconds before the missile impacts. Upon impact, the missile detonates and scatters multiple smaller missiles across the immediate area, hitting Kathmandu, Calcutta, the Bay of Bengal and the Deccan Plateau, causing widespread devastation. After providing aid in Kathmandu, the Rescue Team and Multiforce head for Calcutta, after being given one strict order by Star Saber: Do not engage any Decepticons under any circumstances. This is Deathsaurus's true goal—using the threat of his new missiles to stay the Autobots' hand so that his forces can freely gather as much energy as they want.

Out in space, the Dinoforce work to repair the damaged hull of the Thunder Arrow while inside, Deathsaurus rages at Gōryū and the Breastforce. He blames their incompetence for the failure of their recent mission, and when Leozack attempts to point out that it was actually the fault of Deathsaurus's miscalculations, he finds himself seized by the head and dangled off the ground. After a tense moment, Deathsaurus calms down and drops Leozack, instructing the Decepticons to focus their efforts on destroying Star Saber and Victory Leo. Gōryū grins widely, chuckling to himself that he'll be able to show up Leozack with a new plan he has come up with...

With the Thunder Arrow anchored in the San Fernandez Islands off the coast of South America, Deathsaurus again berates Leozack for his continuous failures. Leozack nervously announces that he has a new plan in mind, and although Deathsaurus dismisses the quality of the scheme out of hand, he instructs Leozack to get on with it. Leozack leaves the throne room and takes out his frustrations on a bust of Deathsaurus, only to have it collapse on top of him. Haw haw!

On a forbidding jungle planet somewhere in the dark reaches of the cosmos, Hellbat is on a mission. As he nervously steps into a dark cave, a small, green insect plops down onto his shoulder, and the horrified Decepticon runs screaming from the cavern, realizing that he has found what he's looking for.

This episode is the fifth of Victory's many clip shows. Like the previous one, it’s nothing more than a recap of the episodes that have aired since that last clip show, featuring footage from "Awaken! Victory Leo", "The Tide is Turned! The Ultimate Weapon, the Victory Unification", "Jean - Defend the Campus!!", "A Mystery?! The Deception of the Base Bombs" and "The Death-Bringing Space Insects!!", as well as a short clip from "Resurrection!? The Decepticon Fortress". As it contributes nothing to the series, it was not included on either the Metrodome or Madman Entertainment DVD collections of the series.

A month has passed since the Decepticons' last attack, and Jean and Holi are feeling restless, so they pay a visit to Braver's lab. It turns out that Braver has been putting the downtime to good use, rebuilding, perfecting and mass-producing his Decepticon brainwave scanner. The five completed units are distributed amongst the Autobots, and Star Saber, Victory Leo and the Multiforce begin using them to scour the planet for the silent Decepticons.

With the energy of Atlantis in their clutches, Deathsaurus and the Breastforce head to the Dark Nebula aboard the Thunder Arrow in order to liberate the Emperor of Destruction's Planet-Destroying Fortress. On Earth, Star Saber has already deduced that this is the villain's plan, and dispatches the Brainmasters as an advance unit to chase down and stop the Decepticons from reaching the Dark Nebula. He contacts Greatshot in Sector Two, and requests that he join up with the Brainmasters aboard Galaxy Shuttle en route.

With Deathsaurus's Planet-Destroying Fortress active and raining meteors down upon the Earth and Star Saber missing in action, the Multiforce and Rescue Team are left to protect the planet on their own. The Multiforce merge into Landcross to stop a meteor from crashing on top of the Shuttle Base, but are caught in the explosion and badly injured themselves. As the Rescue Team hurry to and fro tending to the wounded, the injured Gōryū comes to in the medical bay and requests an audience with any Autobot. Jean comes to his side, and Gōryū gives him the plans to the power source of Deathsaurus's fortress as a means of paying back the Decepticon leader for abandoning them. With all the other Autobots occupied, Jean realizes that he is the only one who can perform this task, but as he boards the Galaxy Shuttle with the Illumina II, Holi spots him and follows him aboard. Jean explains his plan to Holi, and the pair resolve to see it through to the end.

This episode is the sixth of Victory's many clip shows, and the thirty-eighth and final broadcast episode of the show. It summarizes the entire series, using footage from "Sneak Attack! Dinoking", "Attack! Leozack", "Move Out! Rescue Team", "Infiltration... The Uranium Mine", "Explosion!! The Energy Base", "Big City - Underground Terror", "The New Warrior - Hellbat", "Resurrection!? The Decepticon Fortress", "Unite! Liokaiser", "A Deadly Battle", "Ginrai Dies!!", "Fight!! Victory Leo", "Awaken! Victory Leo", "The Tide is Turned! The Ultimate Weapon, the Victory Unification", "Jean - Defend the Campus!!", "A Mystery?! The Deception of the Base Bombs", "The Death-Bringing Space Insects!!", "The Terror of the Giant Tidal Waves", "The Wrath of the Resurrected Giant Fortress!" and "Showdown! The Fortress vs the Victory Unification".

This episode is the seventh of Victory's many clip shows, and the first of six released directly to home video. For unknown reasons, it was the only clip show not included on the original Pioneer DVD release of the series, and as such, its content is likely to remain a mystery for the forseeable future, as (like all the other home-video clip shows) it was also not included on either the Metrodome or Madman Entertainment DVD collections of the series.

This episode is the eighth of Victory's many clip shows, and the second of six released directly to home video. Combining footage from "The Brave Hero of the Universe - Star Saber", "Resurrection!? The Decepticon Fortress", "A Deadly Battle", "The Tide is Turned! The Ultimate Weapon, the Victory Unification", it covers the history between Star Saber and Deathsaurus and showcases some of the times that Deathsaurus came closest to victory from throughout the series.

This episode is the ninth of Victory's many clip shows, and the third of six released directly to home video. Combining clips from "Crisis! Ambush in the Desert", "Tanker Hijack Operation", "Unite!! Multiforce" and "Battle Up of Wrath!!", the episode showcases some of the times that the Decepticons threatened human power plants, facilities and cities in their quest for energy. Yeah, they didn't use many episodes for something with such a broad spectrum, did they?

This episode is the tenth of Victory's many clip shows, and the fourth of six released directly to home video. Comprised of clips taken from "Resurrection!? The Decepticon Fortress", "Move Out! Rescue Team", "Sneak Attack! Dinoking", "Planet Micro - The Mysterious Warrior" and "Rescue! Gaihawk", the episode centres on the adventures of the Rescue Patrol Team, as well as casting focus on their home planet of Micro. Galaxy Shuttle also seems intended to be part of the focus, as he appears quite a bit, and his first transformation to robot, complete with name-in-onscreen-text, is included.

This episode is the eleventh of Victory's many clip shows, and the fifth of six released directly to home video. Made up of footage taken from "Fight!! Victory Leo", "The Tide is Turned! The Ultimate Weapon, the Victory Unification", "The Terror of the Giant Tidal Waves", "The Death-Bringing Space Insects!!", "A Mystery?! The Deception of the Base Bombs" and "Awaken! Victory Leo", the episode centers on Victory Leo and Star Saber, and their combination into Victory Saber.

This episode is the twelfth of Victory's many clip shows, the sixth of six released directly to home video, and the final episode of the entire series. It is essentially a retelling of the final narrative episode of the series, "Showdown! The Fortress vs the Victory Unification", but with clips from numerous other episodes interspersed throughout.

This episode is the seventh of Victory's many clip shows, and the first of six released directly to home video. For unknown reasons, it was the only clip show not included on the original Pioneer DVD release of the series, and as such, its content is likely to remain a mystery for the forseeable future, as (like all the other home-video clip shows) it was also not included on either the Metrodome or Madman Entertainment DVD collections of the series.

This episode is the eighth of Victory's many clip shows, and the second of six released directly to home video. Combining footage from "The Brave Hero of the Universe - Star Saber", "Resurrection!? The Decepticon Fortress", "A Deadly Battle", "The Tide is Turned! The Ultimate Weapon, the Victory Unification", it covers the history between Star Saber and Deathsaurus and showcases some of the times that Deathsaurus came closest to victory from throughout the series.

This episode is the ninth of Victory's many clip shows, and the third of six released directly to home video. Combining clips from "Crisis! Ambush in the Desert", "Tanker Hijack Operation", "Unite!! Multiforce" and "Battle Up of Wrath!!", the episode showcases some of the times that the Decepticons threatened human power plants, facilities and cities in their quest for energy. Yeah, they didn't use many episodes for something with such a broad spectrum, did they?

This episode is the tenth of Victory's many clip shows, and the fourth of six released directly to home video. Comprised of clips taken from "Resurrection!? The Decepticon Fortress", "Move Out! Rescue Team", "Sneak Attack! Dinoking", "Planet Micro - The Mysterious Warrior" and "Rescue! Gaihawk", the episode centres on the adventures of the Rescue Patrol Team, as well as casting focus on their home planet of Micro. Galaxy Shuttle also seems intended to be part of the focus, as he appears quite a bit, and his first transformation to robot, complete with name-in-onscreen-text, is included.

This episode is the eleventh of Victory's many clip shows, and the fifth of six released directly to home video. Made up of footage taken from "Fight!! Victory Leo", "The Tide is Turned! The Ultimate Weapon, the Victory Unification", "The Terror of the Giant Tidal Waves", "The Death-Bringing Space Insects!!", "A Mystery?! The Deception of the Base Bombs" and "Awaken! Victory Leo", the episode centers on Victory Leo and Star Saber, and their combination into Victory Saber.

This episode is the twelfth of Victory's many clip shows, the sixth of six released directly to home video, and the final episode of the entire series. It is essentially a retelling of the final narrative episode of the series, "Showdown! The Fortress vs the Victory Unification", but with clips from numerous other episodes interspersed throughout.


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Details Of TV
Language Japanese
Release 1989-03-14
Producer Toei Animation