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After a series of grisly livestock killings in the mid-90s, reports arose of a mysterious fanged dog-like creature. Could it be the legendary chupacabra, the blood sucking mythical creature of the Americas.

Seasons & Episodes

Paranatural investigates the disappearances of ships and planes in the area known as the Bermuda Triangle. Some believe theres something amiss in this patch of sea, but tales of the Triangle are the stuff of legend, roundly dismissed by skeptics as tragic, but explainable disappearances. Most scientists arent interested in the Bermuda Triangle, but there is a different mysterious area hovering just above the Earth that has gotten their attention.

From Loch Ness to the west coast of Canada, people are reporting sightings of sea creatures they can't explain. Witnesses swear they've spotted creatures with flippers, long necks and horselike heads.

For ages, prophets have suggested that disastrous eventsand maybe even the end of the worldlie ahead. Experts say there is no such thing as the power of foresight and that the predictions are broadly interpreted in order to keep the myth of prophetic ability alive.

Different cultures call it different things: Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Abominable Snowman and Yeti, but theyre all talking about the same phenomenon and the descriptions are similar: large, hair-covered creatures that walk upright like humans; creatures that live out of sight across the world. Eyewitness accounts stretch back in time, but for many, the Sasquatch is the poster child of the Paranatural, a figment of fevered imaginations, a mere shadow in the woods. But those who say theyve come face to face with this elusive being have no doubt about its existence.

What happens when we die? Is there an afterlife? Does human consciousness survive physical death? These are some of the most baffling questions known to humankind. Nearly every culture and religion seems to believe in some form of "Life after Life." Some people who have been near death report being bathed in images, sounds and feelings so vivid and so real that their lives are changed forever.

In every culture and for centuries, witnesses report strange encounters with apparitions, or ghosts. Believers point to the mountains of what they consider hard evidence: photographs of ghostly spirits, strange unexplainable voices, and objects flying across the room, as if thrown by unseen hands. But skeptics are just as convinced that there is nothing substantial to this phenomenon, and that belief in ghosts is unfounded.

Around the world, sightings of strange flying objects and mysterious lights in the sky have been reported.

Theyre falling out of the skies, clogging up rivers and spoiling shorelines around the planet. Why are we seeing mass animal die-offs around the world? Scientists are searching for answers, while also studying why some species are beginning to vanish. In the United States, shrinking populations of bees and bats worry researchers.

Across the planet thousands of crop circles have been reported.

In New Jersey a teenage girl is killed and a psychic claims she can see her murderer. In Oregon, a psychic tries to help solve the slaying of a cowboy. Can psychics really help in police and government investigations? Skeptics say that while psychics may be sincere, theres no evidence to support their claims.


In the mid 1990s in Puerto Rico, livestock were killed and appeared to have been drained of blood through puncture wounds to their necks. Eyewitnesses claim the creature responsible for the killings was an ugly creature that stood like a kangaroo with spikes running down its back, large fangs protruding from its mouth and large, predatory eyes glowing red. The case went cold until similar attacks by a different creature occur in Texas, and ranchers and farmers discovered the remains of this weird creature.

Mystery Lights

From the deserts of Texas to the snowy valleys of Norway, mysterious lights have appeared without warning or explanation, and eyewitnesses express a mixture of fear and fascination for them. Many wonder if the lights could be ghosts, or visitors from outer space, but a team of researchers has a new theory on the origin of these strange lights.

Blood Rain And Star Jelly

Every year, planet earth is bombarded with tons of material from outer space. This amazing fact is most evident during spectacular displays of "falling stars," but most of the time it goes unnoticed. However, there have been accounts throughout history of strange discoveries after meteor showers. Some report a blood red rain; others have discovered blobs of an unknown gelatinous substance where the meteors supposedly fell. Stories and superstition have grown around these mysterious events. Today, scientists investigate the mystery using the latest tools and knowledge, and what they're discovering might prove some of the superstitions to be true.


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Crew & Casts
Details Of TV
Location United States of America
Language English
Release 2010-02-23
Producer Story House Productions