CNN Special Report

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CNN Special Report

In hour-long, in-depth explorations, CNN hosts examine extraordinary individuals, unexpected events and controversial subjects through interviews, stories, images and videos.

Seasons & Episodes
The Trump Insurrection: 24 Hours That Shook America

A special look exploring the origins and execution of the coup attempt Donald Trump inspired to prevent his successor from taking office.

The Faces of the Trump Insurrection

Anderson Cooper with a look back at the rioters at the capitol on January 6th, who they were, what spurred them on, and what consequences do they face?

Kamala Harris: Making History

A look at the trailblazing and boundary shattering life of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris as she becomes the first woman of color to become Vice President.

Anderson Cooper discusses the Biden Inauguration and the Trump legacy with historians Doris Kearns Goodwin and Ken Burns.

A deep look inside the insane conspiracy-driven QAnon-movement which was central in the insurrection on the Captitol Hill in Washing D.C., USA, January 6th 2021.

How the divide between Republicans and Democrats in America has become a national crisis - the role of extreme right-wing media, racial hatred, and the feelings of betrayal from millions of Americans who feel they've been left behind.

Anderson Cooper with an updated look into the origins and beliefs of the conspiracy group that is called QAnon. An interview with a QAnon believer, and the backstory of what QAnon is and how it rose so quickly.

Dalton, Ga., is like many other American towns affected by COVID-19, as nearly one in seven have been infected by the virus.

By the end of April 2020, over 23 million Americans had lost their jobs; Ed Lavandera investigates the nation's unemployment insurance program when Americans need it the most.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx, Dr. Stephen Hahn and Dr. Robert Redfield discuss what went right and what went wrong with the nation's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Victor Blackwell documents the dramatic events of 9/11 through the eyes of the second grade students, their teacher, and the former White House aids who were in the classroom with President Bush, when he got word about the attack.

Twenty years after the initial invasion, CNN's Jake Tapper talks to top commanders who led U.S. troops into Afghanistan. The generals, no longer in uniform, speak candidly about the withdrawal, what went wrong, and whether it was worth it.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta looks at the leading theories on COVID's origins and talks to scientists who have spent lifetimes studying viruses to uncover what people know about the origins of the disease that launched a global pandemic.

Alisyn Camerota and Chloe Melas explore pop icon Britney Spears' battle to end her legal conservatorship through critical conversations around tabloid culture, mental health, and the treatment of women in the public eye.

The Trial of William Jefferson Clinton

As the nation prepares for the impeachment trial of President Trump, CNN takes a look back and inside the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton. The trial was more surprising, dramatic, and eventful than most people remember. A fascinating look at the last trial of a President and what it could say about the one ahead.

Royal Revolution: Harry and Meghan

An updated look at Harry and Meghan's lives as they step back from their roles as senior members of the British Royal Family. Alisyn Camerota hosts.

Inside the ER: The Incredible Fight Against Coronavirus

CNN's Miguel Marquez takes viewers up close to the front lines of hospitals and emergency rooms as doctors, nurses and healthcare workers battle the coronavirus.

The Road to Change: America's Climate Crisis

During his journey into America's climate crisis, CNN's Bill Weir interviews the nation's top climate change experts and leaders including former vice president Al Gore, Gov. Gavin Newsom, and Greta Thunberg who help explain the wide-ranging threats communities will increasingly face as climate change continues unabated -- and more importantly, what is required to avoid the worst case scenario.

The Pandemic & The President

CNN's Jake Tapper lays out the timeline of how the Coronavirus spread across the globe and examines how President Trump reacted to the virus's developments as they occurred.

China's Deadly Secret

Did China hide the truth about Covid-19? Was there a cover-up? Fareed Zakaria follows the timeline of what China knew, and when - to get at the story behind China's deadly secret.

Bats: The Mystery Behind Covid-19

CNN's Anderson Cooper looks at the mysterious mammals and how human infringement on their territory may have contributed to the transmission of diseases bats carry to humans, including the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

Trump & The Law: After Impeachment

CNN's Jake Tapper examines President Trump's experiences with the legal system, before and during his presidency, as well as looking at President Trump's words and actions related to legal norms and the rule of law.

Donald Trump's Conspiracy Theories

CNN's Fareed Zakaria examines Donald Trump's love affair with conspiracy theories. Why do people believe them? Does he really believe them? And when he has finally left the American stage, how much damage will be left in his wake?

Count on Controversy: Inside the Electoral College

Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election despite losing the popular vote by more than three million votes, could it happen again in 2020? CNN visits one of the most maligned, highly scrutinized and resilient government institutions of the past two hundred years, the Electoral College.

Women Represented: The 100 Year Battle for Equality

On the centennial anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment giving women the legal right to vote in the United States, CNN anchor Erin Burnett examines the current state of women's rights in America and the complex history of the suffrage movement.

Fight for the White House: Donald Trump's Presidency

CNN's Jake Tapper looks at President Trump's first term, the moments that standout and the issues that defined his presidency to date.

Fight for the White House: Joe Biden's Long Journey

CNN's Gloria Borger takes a look at Joe Biden's long journey to the 2020 election and his fight to become the 46th President of the United States.

How the World Sees America

After four years of a Donald Trump presidency, what is America's standing in the world? Fareed Zakaria examines whether America can regain the ground it has lost as the world's Superpower and who would stand with us in a moment of crisis.

Divided We Stand: Inside America's Anger

CNN's Randi Kaye travels throughout the battleground state of Florida, home to an aging population of transplants whose politics reflect just how divided the rest of the country is. Given everything at stake, their vote this year might change the course of the nation forever.

Pandemic: How a Virus Changed the World in 1918

In 1918, America was fighting 2 wars, with World War One overseas, and an even deadlier battle at home. It was the pandemic of 1918, known as the Spanish flu, and it was killing Americans quickly and in large numbers. Anderson Cooper, Dr. Anthony Fauci and others trace the evolution of this virus and look at lessons that should have been learned from back then.

Facebook at 15: It's Complicated

February 2019 marks the 15 year anniversary of the social network. CNN's Laurie Segall explores how Facebook has changed how we connect for the good but also for the bad. The history is a complicated one and now begs the question: what's the future for this social network giant?

Saudi Arabia: Kingdom of Secrets

Fareed Zakaria explores a country where women are property, music and movies, evil - until a new Crown Prince bring unimaginable freedoms. But there is a dark side - is Saudi Arabia's new regime guilty of murder? Fareed focuses on the deeply troubled U.S.-Saudi relationship, from 9/11 to the current crisis.

The Trump Family Business

For years, President Trump has bragged about his business prowess. However, he prefers to keep the details of how he makes money secret. Case in point: his current battles to keep his taxes and other financial documents away from scrutiny. CNN's Erin Burnett takes a look at how the Trump Organization makes money.

Woman of Mystery: Melania Trump

CNN's Kate Bennett explores who First Lady Melania Trump really is, from those who know her best.

State of Hate: The Explosion of White Supremacy

White supremacy has become a crisis in the United States. The number of hate groups has soared to a record - over 1000 - and hate crimes are up by double digits. Fareed Zakaria traces the roots of the current crisis, looks at history to discover how racism becomes a political movement, and he interviews a White Supremacist in an effort to understand the forces driving the dangerous racial moment we find ourselves in.

The Hidden Workforce: Undocumented in America

From small towns in the Midwest to the President of the United States, Ed Lavandera travels across America uncovering the country's deep and contingent need for undocumented workers.

The Age of Amazon

CNN's Poppy Harlow examines Amazon's journey from online bookstore to e-commerce giant and beyond.

A Toxic Tale: Trump's Environmental Impact

CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta goes on a nationwide investigation to look at the real-life impact of dozens of deregulations at the EPA. What does it mean for the health of American families?

Friends Forever: 25 Years of Laughter

The astronomically popular sitcom based in New York first aired in September of 1994. Alisyn Camerota takes a look back, and a look forward on what's to come of this hit that never really went away.

Impeachment Inquiry: Wednesday, September 25, 2019 11PM

Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper with the latest developments into the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.

Impeachment Inquiry: Thursday, September 26, 2019 11PM

Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper with the latest developments into the impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump.

Ted Turner: Captain Planet

Those who know him and his environmental work best paint the picture of a Ted Turner often lost in the headlines, but no less important. Hosted by Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

Weed 5: The CBD Craze

More than six years since CNN's first investigation into medical marijuana, Dr. Sanjay Gupta searches for the truth about CBD, which has turned into a multi-billion dollar industry.

Scheme and Scandal: Inside the College Admissions Crisis

Fareed Zakaria looks at the frenzied competition for slots at elite schools - that has exploded into the biggest cheating scandal in American history - a scheme that exploited the desperate quest for higher test scores, as well as the world of elite sports, played only by the affluent, that college advisors call "rich white affirmative action."

When a President Faces Impeachment

Impeachment was meant to be a drastic, last resort measure - but in the last few decades, it has become a political weapon. Now that we find ourselves in the middle of an impeachment inquiry, we need to look to history, to understand how, why and even if we need to impeach Donald Trump.

The Impeachment Inquiry: In the Words of the Witnesses

CNN looks back at the two weeks of public testimony to summarize the impeachment case against President Donald J. Trump and lay out the secretive, months-long effort by administration officials to pressure the Ukrainian government to announce investigations of former Vice President Joseph Biden and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 US Presidential election.

All the President's Lies

Chief Washington correspondent Jake Tapper speaks to scholars, historians, authors, and philosopher to explore the national impact of Trump's most egregious lies, and how in turn, he has created a culture of mistrust; leading Americans to question scientists, economists, world figures and the media.

Abuse and Scandal in the Catholic Church: The Case of the Predator Priest

The Salesians are a religious order whose reach and influence stretch through the highest ranks of the Catholic Church. Their stated mission is to minister to children, but how much should we trust that they will choose to protect the children in their care rather than the brothers and priests in their ranks who have been accused or even convicted of sexually abusing a minor?

Presidents on Trial: An Inside Look at Impeachment

President Trump is the third president in history voted to be impeached by the House of Representatives. Fareed Zakaria examines the history of impeachment, and what it means today.

All the Best, All the Worst 2019

All the best moments and all the worst moments from the year 2019.

Jeff Bezos founded Amazon 25 years ago. Now, it's a tech behemoth that fuels everyday life. CNN explores how it all began and what comes next in "The Age of Amazon."


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Crew & Casts
Details Of TV
Location United States of America
Language English
Release 1980-04-19
Producer CNN Documentary Unit