Insomnambula, une vision d’Istanbul

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Insomnambula, une vision d’Istanbul

A crossing of Istanbul, in its flows, its incessant movements, its rhythms. An Istanbul caught in its insomniac vibrations, A city, made of contrasts and oppositions, shared between Orient and West, modernity and tradition, order and chaos, individual and crowd. In the hypnosis of what turns, as in a perpetual movement, a somnambulistic vision, made of shaky images A city, captured in its alternations, its beats, in the rhythms inscribed in the montage, with the sound which mixes with the rumors of the city, with the drone of the megalopolis.

La Destination , Anne Fave , Emmanuel Carquille

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Crew & Casts
Details Of Movie
Director La Destination Anne Fave Emmanuel Carquille
Language English